Rugby in Spain

Great news! After searching online for a women’s rugby team in the area and asking at the Centro de Lenguas Modernas (where I will be taking classes), I have found a team to join and play with for the semester! I went to my first practice last night (1/21/16) with a friend, Sharissa, from UNH and it was fantastic. We got a little lost on the way, but eventually found it and jumped right in. There were about 14 or 15 other girls at practice, all speaking in rapid Spanish and Sharissa and I were keeping up the best we could. It must have been much harder for her though, because she has never played rugby before and is learning for the very first time, in Spain, with Spaniards, can you imagine?! So proud of her.

Practices will take place from 9:30 to 11pm Tuesday and Thursday nights and I am still trying to figure out when games will be and how that works. All of the girls on the team were so welcoming and nice and didn’t seem to mind at all that Sharissa has never played. They remind me a lot of my team back home which I miss dearly. I did not, unfortunately, bring my rugby gear thinking that I would not be able to find a team. But worry not! My dad will be sending me my rugby stuff in the mail so hopeful that will get here asap!

Overall, what a crazy experience already. I am so happy and thankful to have the opportunity to continue playing this semester with a group of great girls. Stay tuned, I am sure there will be more rugby news to come in the future.

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